Undergraduate CLS206 student scope of practice

This document details the scope of practice for undergraduate and postgraduate (RN to paramedic) paramedic students undertaking clinical placement in the out of hospital environment.

Only students currently studying with Charles Sturt are eligible for placement within the organisation.Charles Sturt University indemnifies them to practice at their current clinical skill level within existing protocols, guidelines, and skill framework whilst on placement. In addition to this, under the supervision of an appropriately qualified mentor, students are authorised to perform the interventions listed below whilst on placement. This authorisation does not extend beyond their allocated clinical placement hours.

Scope of practice - CLS206 students

  • Nasopharyngeal airway insertion
  • Oropharyngeal airway insertion
  • Suction
  • Triple airway manoeuvre
  • Bag valve mask ventilation
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • Defibrillation – semiautomatic
  • Defibrillation – manual
  • Intravenous cannulation
  • APGAR Score
  • Blood analysis – Glucometer
  • Glasgow Coma Scale
  • Mental Status
  • Mental Status – legal framework
  • Non-Invasive blood pressure
  • Paediatric assessment
  • Pain assessment
  • Perfusion status
  • Primary and secondary survey
  • Pulse oximetry
  • Respiratory status
  • Tympanic thermometer
  • Arterial Tourniquet – C-A-T
  • Arterial Tourniquet – SOF TT-W
  • Bandaging and slings
  • Body amputations
  • Cervical collar
  • Femoral traction splint
  • Helmet removal
  • Immobilisation/Extrication KED
  • Manual inline stabilisation
  • Nasal pack
  • Pelvic binders
  • Stretcher – Combi Carrier
  • Bimanual compression
  • Breech delivery
  • Nuchal umbilical cord
  • Physiological cephalic delivery
  • Shoulder Dystocia
  • EpiPen, EpiPen junior
  • Intramuscular injection
  • Intranasal
  • Intravenous
  • Nebulised
  • Oral
  • Priming of Alaris pump set
  • Subcutaneous
  • Sublingual
  • Adrenaline
  • Aspirin
  • Fentanyl
  • Glucagon
  • Glucose Paste
  • Glyceryl Trinitrate
  • Ipratropium Bromide
  • Methoxyflurane
  • Ondansetron
  • Oxygen
  • Paracetamol
  • Salbutamol

Students can satisfy their clinical placement requirements by observing, assisting with, or performing these skills under supervision. The decision to permit students to assist with or perform these skills rests with the individual mentor.

For further information, please contact:

Dr Sonja Maria
Associate Head of School | Head of Discipline Paramedicine
School of Nursing, Paramedicine and Healthcare Sciences

Phone: +61 2 6338 4090
Email: smaria@csu.edu.au