Placement providers

Paramedics are well placed as the first point of contact for clients to fill service gaps in the health industry, proving to be adaptable, trusted, accessible, credible, skilled health workers.

Our role

Changes in the needs of the community, specifically an aging population, an increase in chronic illnesses, and a decrease in home visits from GPs, have resulted in paramedicine evolving to a wider, more involved community based approach encompassing preventative education, at-home treatments, and ongoing health maintenance, particularly in rural and remote areas.

Charles Sturt recognises that paramedic student education and experience in community paramedicine will prove necessary and fundamental to aligning with international and national industry practice.



This handbook provides information for staff and students during their Workplace Learning experience.

Non-ambulance environments

Learn about the difference environments that are suitable for our paramedicine students.

New placement providers

If you're a potential new placement provider and you have questions or you would like to discuss placements, please get in touch.