Bonded Medical Places

The Bonded Medical Program (BMP) provides students with a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) in a medical course at an Australian university in return for a commitment to work in eligible regional, rural and remote areas for a specified period after completion of their medical course. This commitment is referred to as a Return of Service Obligation (RoSO).

Participants of the Bonded Medical Program are subject to Part VD of the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Act) and must abide by the Health Insurance (Bonded Medical Program) Rule 2020 (Rule).

You should obtain independent legal advice before agreeing to opt into the Program.

Applicants do not need to apply for a BMP - the University will automatically allocate these places based on final ranking.

The Department of Health have produced a webinar presentation for prospective students considering or entering the Bonded Medical Program. The webinar provides information on:

  • The Program
  • How to apply
  • Bonded return of service system (BRoSS)
  • Conditions & requirements
  • Your obligations
  • Return of service
  • Where can I work?
  • What happens if I don’t return service?
  • Where to go for support and further information

Bonded Medical Program Webinar

The Department of Health have published the following fact sheets:

The Bonded Medical Program

Bonded Return of Service

Further information is also available via the Department of Health website [Search: "Bonded Medical Program"].