Sandra Mendel

Learning & Teaching

Associate Professor Sandra Mendel


Director, Learning & Teaching / Associate Professor in Medicine
Building 1008, Room 248

Sandra is an experienced General Practitioner, who holds fellowship of both the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). She has practised as a Rural Generalist for more than 20 years in Orange, NSW and has been heavily involved in GP training through senior medical educator positions in regional training organisations and recently as the ACRRM Director of Training.

Sandra holds a Masters of Medical Education through University of Sydney.

She is currently the Year 2 Convenor for the School of Rural Medicine at Charles Sturt University and was previously the Senior Lecturer in Rural Health with Western Sydney University.

Sandra is a current Board Director for GP Synergy and has also held the role of Chair of the Central West Medical Association and past Chair and Director of the NSW Central West Division of General Practice.

Professional Memberships

  • RACGP Member
  • AMA Member
  • ACRRM Member
  • RDANSW Member
  • RANZCOG Member
  • Board Director GPSynergy
  • Member AICD
  • Current Committee Member RACGP Rural Education Committee
  • Current member GPSynergy Research Committee
  • Current Chair GP Synergy Education Committee
  • Recent Senior Lecturer Rural Health WSU and Course Coordinator Masters of Medicine Rural Generalism
  • Experienced GP Supervisor of both medical students and GP Registrars
  • Past Director of Training for ACRRM

Current Projects

What is Rurality? Desirable Qualities in rural Medical and Health Professionals. Collaborative Research Project with WSU; CSU: UOM: La Trobe University