Grant Westcott

Learning & Teaching - Basic Sciences

Associate Professor Grant Westcott

BSc (Human Movement Science and Nutrition), MBBS, FACEM

Head of Clinical School, Orange + PBL stream lead / ssociate Professor in Medicine
Building 1150 Room 1102

Grant Westcott is an Emergency Physician based in Orange NSW. He was part of the ‘guinea pig’ cohort of students with the University of Sydney’s Graduate Medical Program, having first studied at Wollongong University and spent time living in Scotland in between. Originally from Central West NSW, Grant completed his two years of junior doctor training in Orange on a NSW Rural Doctors Network Cadetship and then stayed for a further year. Thereafter, while most of his specialty training was completed in Western Australia, he has worked in Emergency Medicine in Ireland and also served two contracts working as a doctor on cruise ships.

Throughout training and consultant life Grant has realised an interest in medical education and the welfare of junior doctors. This has led to supervisory positions in Emergency Medicine specialist training as well as in the pre-vocational (junior doctor) sphere, and as an examiner for the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM). Grant has also been involved with the delivery of Emergency Medicine through the Western NSW area via telehealth services.

Grant returned to Orange in 2016 with his family. The closeness of the rural community, the abundance of fresh air and the challenges with ensuring quality health care across a vast community are great reward for the move back ‘home’.  Being part of the CSU School of Rural Medicine is an exciting addition to this.

Professional Memberships

  • ACEM
  • AMA

Grant is an enthusiastic educator in the hospital environment be it for students, doctors or other health professionals. Grant has coordinated junior doctor education at Orange Health Service and also in his speciality of Emergency Medicine. As an extension from teaching, Grant is an Examiner for the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM).

Currently, Grant is completing a Graduate Certificate of Health Professional Education.