Tomothy Kudinha

Medical Science and Pathology

Dr Timothy Kudinha

MSc Medical Microbiology (Southern Africa); Grad Dip (MLS); MPH (Univ of Sydney); MSc Health Management (UNSW); Grad Dip (Mycology); Grad Dip (Research Mngt); FASM; PhD (CSU & Univ of Sydney); FFSc (RCPA)

Lecturer in Microbiology
Building 1001 Room A83

Dr. Tim Kudinha is a highly qualified and skilled Medical Microbiologist, with extensive experience and skills in Clinical Microbiology lab diagnostics, research and teaching/training, spanning several years in Southern Africa, Australia and China. He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Science (Microbiology) of the prestigious Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA), and obtained his PhD on “Molecular epidemiology of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli”, from Charles Sturt University and The University of Sydney (2012).

Dr. Kudinha has collaborated extensively in research, diagnostics, and teaching, with highly regarded premier institutions, including the Dept of Clinical Microbiology of Peking Union Medical College hospital, Beijing, China, and the Dept of Veterans Affairs of the University of Minnesota (USA). He has authored over 80 publications in peer reviewed scientific journals, supervised several postgraduate students, and is currently a member of the Microbiology Clinical Stream, a prestigious body for Clinical Microbiology lab diagnostics in NSW Health Pathology.

Dr. Kudinha is an experienced lecturer in all the disciplines of Medical Microbiology, including Mycology, Bacteriology, Parasitology, and Virology. He has over 20 years teaching and/or training experience, having taught (Medical Laboratory Sciences, Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences) at universities in Southern Africa, China (Peking Union College) and Australia (Charles Sturt University).

Dr. Kudinha’s research interests are in molecular pathogenesis of infectious diseases, including epidemiology, laboratory diagnostics, and antimicrobial drug resistance. Have established significant research collaborations with the following institutions;

  • Dept of Veterans Affairs (Microbiology) , University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA.
  • Dept of Clinical Microbiology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital Beijing, China.
  • University Technology Sydney, the Australian Institute for Microbiology and Infection, Sydney.
  • Dept of Clinical Microbiology and State Key Respiratory Tract Infections lab, Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China