Colin Gavagan

Anatomy and Physiology

Dr Colin Gavagan

Bachelor of Medical Science (Respiratory Science) Charles Sturt University 2000.

PhD UniSC, BSci (HumMvmt)(Hons) UniSC, BSptExSci UniSc.
Wagga Wagga
Building 801, Room 3011

Colin began his academic career as an assistant tutor at UniSC while pursuing his Honours research project at UniSC. Over subsequent years, Colin assumed a key role as part of the Anatomy teaching team in addition to teaching into a range of Sport, Exercise and Health Science courses while completing his PhD. Broadly, Colin has an interest in biomechanics, with a specific professional and personal focus on research based on martial arts. Colin has presented some of his research at local and international conferences and has published findings in Q1 journals.


I have worked as an assistant tutor, lead tutor, and coordinator across various health and sports science courses at UniSC and Griffith University over a 15-year period. My areas of focus teaching are related to human movement. These areas include anatomy, functional anatomy and biomechanics/kinematics and motor learning (skill acquisition).

Research interests:

  • Sports and Martial Arts Biomechanics/kinematics
  • Human movement
  • Sport Science
  • Motor Control and Skill Acquisition