Julia Eick Iglesias


Dr Julia Eick Iglesias


Senior Lecturer in Endodontics
Building 1006, Room 246

Dr. Julia E. Iglesias is a Senior Lecturer in Endodontics at the Centre for Rural Dentistry and Oral Health, Orange Campus. She is the Year 1 Unit of Study Coordinator and is the subject coordinator responsible for teaching Foundations of Dental Clinical Practice 1 (DOH125) to first-year students and Endodontics (DOH346) to third-year students of the Bachelor of Dental Science program.

Dr. Iglesias received her BDS degree in 2013, followed by an extensive private practice experience in endodontics and general dentistry. She completed a Clinical Postgraduation in Endodontics in 2015, a Master’s degree in Clinical Dentistry with emphasis in Endodontics in 2016, and a PhD in Clinical Dentistry with emphasis in Endodontics in 2022, all from accredited universities in Brazil.

From 2017 to 2023, Dr. Iglesias served as a Senior Clinical Lecturer in Endodontics at the postgraduate level in Brazil, until joining CSU in 2023.

Dr. Iglesias has experience with simulation-based learning and clinics teaching at postgraduate and undergraduate levels. Prior to joining CSU, Dr Iglesias was Senior Clinical Lecturer in Endodontics at postgraduate level since 2017 and course coordinator since 2022. Her main teaching responsibilities included course programming, delivering theoretical and preclinical content in endodontics, and providing clinical supervision to students in clinics. She also mentored students completing their final papers in specialty courses. As an educator, Dr. Iglesias has lectured extensively on endodontic subjects, integrating practical skills with theoretical knowledge to enhance student learning outcomes.

Dr Iglesias’s research focuses on irrigant solutions, medicaments, and bioceramics used in Endodontics. Her interests also encompass materials used for regenerative endodontic procedures and dental trauma. Her ongoing projects include studying the antimicrobial properties of medicaments and exploring the potential of novel materials to enhance antimicrobial activity, tissue regeneration, and healing in endodontic treatments.