Jade Forwood


Professor Jade Forwood

BBiomed Sci. (Hons 1), PhD

Professor in Biochemistry
Wagga Wagga
Building 289 Room 2

Professor Forwood’s completed a BBiomedSc. (Hons I) at James Cook University and a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the John Curtin School of Medical Research (Australian National University). He was awarded a University Medal in 1998 and the Frank Fenner Medal in 2002 for his PhD thesis. Since completing his PhD, he has undertaken postdoctoral research in industry (Bresagen Ltd., Adelaide University), and under an NHMRC CJ Martin Fellowship, conducted research at the Department of Structural Studies (LMB, MRC) in Cambridge (UK) for two years, followed by an additional two years at the University of Queensland. In 2007, he joined the School of Biomedical Sciences at Charles Sturt University to coordinate and lecture in Biochemistry. Since establishing an independent lab in 2007, Dr Forwood has secured >40 grants and various research awards totalling >$40 million. These include grants from the NIH (x2), NHMRC (x7), an ARC Future Fellowship, Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists Young Scientist Award, Centre for Inland Health Research Fellowship, NHRMC CJ Martin Fellowship, and Vice-Chancellors Award for Research Excellence.

Professor Forwoods research is focused on drug design, characterization of viral proteins involved in viral replication and immune evasion, and mechanisms of nuclear transport. He has solved >100 protein structures using the Australian synchrotron, including structures of nuclear import receptors bound to HIV Tat, DENV and ZIKV NS5, MERS ORF4b, HeV and NiV W proteins, SOX2, and the RanGEF exchange factor. He has also determined structures of circovirus particles which unmask nuclear signal presentation upon switching between icosahedral and non-icosahedral symmetry. This latter research has provided a platform for vaccine development for the critically endangered Orange-bellied parrot (2018-19; funding from Australian Government Threatened Species Recovery Fund). Dr Forwood’s website, including key publications can be found at the following links;

Google Scholar

The Forwood Lab

Professor Forwood's primary teaching philosophy is to provide a stimulating and innovative teaching environment and to facilitate students to develop life-long learning practices. His approach includes offering a range of complementary and engaging learning resources, applying a range of subject specific pedagogies, and use of student and peer-reviewed evaluations and critical reflection to continually improve my teaching skills. Professor Forwood teaches within biochemistry, cell biology, and protein biochemistry.

Since establishing an independent laboratory in 2007 I have supervised 38 research students to completion. Supervised students have gone on to positions at Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute (group leader), University of Sydney (group leader), Max Planck (Germany; postdoc), Galveston (USA; postdoc), DUKE-NUS (Singapore; postdoc), Liverpool (UK, postdoc), Monash (postdoc), UQ (postdoc), and La Trobe (postdoc). They have won awards and fellowships, including an ARC DECRA Fellowship, SCANZ Rising Star Award, EMBL symposium best oral presentation, Khoo Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, La Trobe Postdoctoral Fellowship, Endeavour Postdoctoral Fellowship, CSIRO ACDP PhD top-up scholarship, Diamond synchrotron joint scholarship, and an Australian Synchrotron PhD top-up scholarship. Examples include Subir Sarker (PhD, 30 co-publications including Nature Communications 1st authorship, now an ARC DECRA Fellow), Kate Smith (Honours and PhD, 11 co-publications including Nature Communications 1st authorship, now a synchrotron beamline scientist in Switzerland), Jagga Bikshapathi (PhD, Nature Communications 1st authorship, currently in final year of PhD), Noelia Roman (Honours and PhD, 9 co-publications, currently an independent academic), Edward Patterson (PhD, 7 co-publications, currently an independent academic), Shubhagata Das (PhD, 15 co-publications, currently an independent academic), Yogesh Khandokar (PhD, 9 co-publications, currently a synchrotron beamline scientist in Australia), Jeffrey Nanson (PhD, 9 co-publications, currently a postdoc), Crystall Swarbrick (PhD, 13 co-publications, currently a postdoc), and Sofiya Tsimbalyuk (PhD, 6 co-publications, currently a postdoc). Mentoring and supervision capability is also evident through a Vice Chancellors Award for Supervision Excellence (2016).