George John

Scholarship of Learning and teaching

George K John

B.Pharm. (India)., M. Pharm. Prac. (South Africa)., Grad. Cert. in Pharmacoeconomics (South Africa)., Grad. Cert. in Disease Management (South Africa)., Grad. Cert. Univ. Learn. & Teaching (Australia)., Grad. Cert. Univ. Leadership & Mgmt. (Australia)

Head of Discipline (Medical Science) and Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice
Wagga Wagga
Building 288 Room 246

George has a broad experience of more than 25 years in Africa, Asia & Australia, teaching Pharmacy and Medical Science graduates. George is well regarded by his students and has been awarded many accolades by the students' body for his commitment and passion for developing students.

From an Academic Governance perspective, George currently serves on the Academic Senate and across various Faculty Boards. He is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).

From a research and scholarly practice perspective, George has taught & supervised students at an undergraduate & postgraduate level. He is involved in editorial boards and has published in scientific peer-reviewed journals and proceedings. George has secured competitive research grants in teams. His interests are in enhancing and engaging curriculum delivery and student experience. He is also interested in Drug utilisation evaluation and also managerial process improvements in institutional settings.

From a community engagement perspective, George has served as the working party Member of NSW Ministry of Health Workforce Planning & Development task force on "Pharmacy Professionals workforce plan 2012-2022".

George currently serves on the Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD) Board Committee for Health Care Safety and Quality, constituted under provisions of the Ministry of Health By-Laws to assist the MLHD Board to carry out its responsibility of ensuring that the health service provides high-quality consumer care and delivers consumer safety and consumer satisfaction. This Committee provides oversight, and assesses key clinical governance and organisational processes, outcomes, internal and external reports, and makes recommendations to the Board.

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George's philosophy in regards to teaching is summed up in the following Chinese proverb;

If you are planning for a year grow rice;
If you are planning for 20 years grow trees;
If you are planning for centuries, grow people.

George has been nominated for multiple teaching awards from a Faculty to Vice Chancellor's level. He has been actively involved in the Faculty Course Committee and School Learning & Teaching Committees. He was the Chair for the 2020 Faculty of Science Learning & Teaching Forum that delivered a high-quality L & T forum for the Faculty of Science Academics.

He is known as a First-Year Specialist and convenes the largest transition subject of the Faculty of Science and Health at CSU ( Australia's leading regional university and the leader in online education and student experience). As attrition is higher in the first year and impacts overall course completion, George has brought significant leadership by developing a strong team culture where staff are encouraged to understand their student cohort, thus ensuring a positive student experience in the first year and ultimately minimising overall student attrition.

George is a teaching-focused academic who has supervised over 20 Research Higher Degree students, published over 15 (peer-reviewed & non-peer reviewed) articles, and presented over 50 papers over his career. He has also secured grants totalling $150,000 over his career from competitive international and national sources.