Mohmad Farooq Shaikh


Associate Professor Mohmad Farooq Shaikh

B. Pharm., M. Pharm., PhD., GCHE

Associate Professor in Pharmacy
Building 1001 Room A92

Associate Professor Farooq joined CSU in February 2023 as an Associate Professor in Pharmacy (Pharmacology). He moved from Monash University Malaysia where he worked for almost 10 years. He is an expert neuropharmacologist, interested in translational neuroscience research. He has published more than 100 international, high impact articles in the journal of repute. He was listed in Elsevier-Stanford top 2% scientists’ list in 2022. He has won several awards for excellence in research and supervision at Monash University and Malaysian national awards for teaching and research.

Associate Professor Farooq completed his B. Pharm. and M. Pharm. From Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India and PhD in Pharmacology from the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India, in 2012. He holds adjunct appointments with Monash University Malaysia and Monash University Australia.

Associate Professor Farooq has 10 years of teaching experience in academic setting at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. His teaching expertise are in the field of neuropharmacology and translation research. His teaching approaches includes active learning modalities like problem-based learning, small group workshops and asynchronous activities. He is the recipient of Best Young Teacher (Pharmacology) Award in 2019 by Malaysian Society of Pharmacology & Physiology (MSPP).

Associate Professor Farooq is an expert neuropharmacologist, interested in both drug discovery and understanding the disease mechanisms of brain disorders especially epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease. His team has developed a zebrafish model to study the co-morbidities (secondary condition) of epilepsy. He is also involved multidisciplinary projects such as early detection and prevention of epileptic seizures using machine learning and biomedical engineering. He is contributing to the project which deals with tackling the stigma associated with epilepsy for improving the quality of life of individuals.

He is a recipient of Monash's PVC award for Excellence in Research (2020 and 2018) and Malaysian Society of Neuroscience (MSN)-best publication award in 2017. He is also recipient of Malaysian Society of Pharmacology & Physiology (MSPP) 2019 Best Young Researcher Awards. He is involved in PhD supervision and publishing papers in high impact journals. He is the recipient of IBRO-APRC Exchange Fellowship 2012.