Dr Peter Micalos

Health Sciences

Peter Micalos

Senior Lecturer in Anatomy and Physiology
Port Macquarie
Building 801

Dr Peter Micalos is an experienced educator and researcher.  With teaching qualifications and extensive practice in delivering topics in anatomy, pathophysiology and exercise science, Dr Micalos applies several engaging pedagogies across diverse levels of learning.  In research he has uncovered areas that span across human health including pain, exercise, cancer, nutrition and the human microbiome.  He also mentors academic staff and students towards their research goals.  Dr Micalos is also the School Honours Advisor for students enrolling in the B.Sci (Honours) program at Charles Sturt University.

Google Scholar

Dr Micalos’s teaching rationale looks towards promoting analytical reason aided by observation and interpretation. This highlights the need to explore learning content within a framework enriched with learning strategies that are scaffolded and sequential, and to derive reasoning through exploration and discovery. This approach aims to build on knowledge and understanding using processes that involve analytical, reflective, and decisive conclusions and to appreciate learning as a lifelong journey.

Dr Micalos's research impact in human health is evidenced by the scope and depth of his research related activities, mentorship, and supervision. Dr Micalos has procured over $80,000 in external research funding and has mentored academic colleagues and supervised students in research projects at CSU. Peter has published over 20 scientific journal articles, literature reviews, an edited book, and a book chapter. These publications have been well received by the scientific and professional community with over 500 citations in GoogleScholar, and publishing in Q1 level journals.

In order to gather and analyse data on pain and pain-related events, Peter has employed measurement procedures such as the nociceptive withdrawal reflex, sensory perceptual ratings, somatosensory cortical evoked potentials, and functional magnetic resonance imaging. During these procedures, Peter has collaborated with the Department of Radiology at Westmead Hospital, Brain Dynamics Centre, School of Psychology at Charles Sturt University, and the Centre for Sensory Motor Research at the University of Aalborg, Denmark.

Peter is currently collaborating in research projects involving acupuncture with the University of Technology, Sydney and on motor pathway output on nociceptive reflexes with the School of Exercise Science, Sport and Health at Charles Sturt University.