Chris Blanchard

Food technology

Professor Chris Blanchard

BAppSc( MedLabSc) Hons. PhD

Professor in Food Science
Wagga Wagga
Building 288 Room 226

Prof. Blanchard has an honours degree in Applied Science and a PhD in Plant Molecular Biology. He joined CSU in 1998 after completing postdoctoral positions at the CSIRO Grain Quality Research Laboratory and the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research. He has been a member of the Australasian Grain Science Association (AGSA) and its predecessor organisations since 1997. He also Chaired AGSA Council on two separate occasions and Chaired the Annual conference three times. Prof. Blanchard served on the GRDC Southern Panel for seven years and was also a GRDC Board Director for three years. He has also served on other external committees including the Grain Growers Ltd Policy group and the National Academy of Sciences NCAFF committee.

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Prof. Blanchard has taught a range of undergraduate subjects including Food Technology, Food Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Nutrition. His current teaching role is focused on higher degree research students. Prof. Blanchard Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Research Supervision in 2010 and 2023.

Research undertaken by Prof. Blanchard has largely focused on projects related to grain quality and practice change. Some of the projects he has led have included the ARC ITTC for Functional Grains, ($2.1m) GRDC Sorghum Quality Project ($1.5m), Agrifutures Rice Digestibility Project ($350K), ACIAR Pulse production in Pakistan ($2.3m) and the Food Agility CRC Rice Quality Prediction Project ($650k). Prof Blanchard received a Vice Chancellor’s award for Research Excellence in 2023.