PhD, Grad Cert FPl, Grad Cert SHlth, BN Susan commenced work at CSU as an academic in 2000 teaching in undergraduate and post graduate nursing and healthcare. Her experience is also in curriculum development and nurse curriculum accreditation. Susan has also worked for the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) as an Associate Director of Accreditation and set up the inaugural Monitoring and Complaints sector of ANMAC. She was also involved in the development of national nursing standards as well as the development of nursing accreditation policy. Susan’s work in policy development and nursing governance has been extensive including working on risk-based frameworks for the monitoring of accredited nursing programs. She also has extensive experience in credit mapping and accreditation documentation. Susan spent many years as the CSU Courses Director in the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health. Her PhD (a grounded theory study) explored the reasons why rural nurses resign and the impact this has on the rural nursing workforce. Currently, Susan works in the School of Nursing, Paramedicine and Healthcare Sciences as the Course Director for First Nations mental health, midwifery, health management and leadership and post graduate nursing.
Course Directors
Dr Susan Bragg
Course Director (Healthcare Sciences/Post Graduate Nursing)