BVSc (USyd), Dip Ed (UNE), MEd (CSturt), GCULM (CSturt) Jen is a graduate of the Sydney University Veterinary Science program. After working on the north coast of NSW, marrying, starting a family and moving back to the family farm in Batlow (southern NSW) and gaining a Dip Ed, she began teaching at CSU Wagga in the field of Animal Anatomy and Physiology. When Veterinary Science was offered, she joined that team to work on Admission processes (including an application and interview) and developed the Problem-Based Learning component of the program. Jen managed and taught into PBL for several years, before being offered a position within the Faculty as a Course Director of the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences courses. She continued that role until retirement in 2021. Following a year or so of travelling and helping with the farm, Jen decided to return to CSU as a CD in a casual position, before taking up a more permanent, although part-time, position in the school in which she first began. Currently working part-time as a Course Director in the School of Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences. Previous positions at CSU include Course Director of Veterinary Science, Animal Science, Equine Science and Veterinary Technology, Coordinator of Admissions into Veterinary Science, Problem Based Learning Coordinator (Veterinary Science), and lecturer in Animal Anatomy and Physiology, Equine Science and Veterinary Science. Registered veterinarian. Peer reviewed publications in the fields of veterinary science education, veterinary science student selection, problem-based learning, animal handling in veterinary science curricula and altruistic behaviour of veterinarians. Winner of the inaugural Australian Veterinary Association Excellence in Teacing Award (2015).
Course Directors
Jennifer Hyams