Rachel Kornhaber

Academic Integrity Officers

Associate Professor Rachel Kornhaber

BN; RN; Grad Cert (Burns/Plastics); Grad Dip (Burns); MNSc; PhD

Associate Professor of Nursing / Faculty Academic Integrity Officer
Building 1435 Room 112

Associate Professor Rachel Kornhaber is a Registered Nurse commencing her career at the Severe Burns Injury Unit at Royal North Shore Hospital (RNSH) Sydney. Rachel completed a Master of Nursing Science at the University of Adelaide (UoA) where she explored workforce issues for burns nurses. Following this, Rachel was a recipient of an Australian Postgraduate Award in 2010 and the RNSH Nursing top-up scholarship (2010 – 2012) and completed a PhD investigating burn survivors’ experiences of rehabilitation and challenges with access to rehabilitation services in Australia. Rachel was the recipient of the 2013 UoA Eleanor Harrald Post-Doctoral Fellowship exploring rehabilitation models of burns care.

Prior to employment at Charles Sturt University, Rachel coordinated the Masters of Burns at the UoA before taking an academic post at the University of Tasmania, Sydney from 2014 to mid-2023 where she was appointed campus lead and the Academic Integrity Advisor for the School of Nursing.

  • Adjunct Associate Professor School of Nursing, University of Adelaide
  • Adjunct Associate Professor School of Nursing, University of Tasmania
  • Adjunct Appointment, Institute for Health Research, University of Notre Dame
  • Research Fellow, National Burns Center, Sheba Medical Center, Israel
  • ISBI - Committee Chair Research
  • APBA - Executive Committee

Rachel teaches in both undergraduate and post graduate nursing, and co-supervised honours and PhD candidates to completion. Rachel teaching expertise is in the area of nursing research, wound management, acute care nursing and trauma. Rachel has extensive experience in the area of academic integrity and is an Academic Integrity Officer for the Faculty of Science and Health supporting students throughout their learning journey.

Rachel has an extensive track record in the area of trauma informed care, burns/plastics, wound care and workforce issues in nursing that is reflected in her publications in international peer reviewed journals and presentation/invitations to present. Rachel is an editorial board member of Burns Open, Committee Chair Research for the International Society of Burn Injuries, and a Research Fellow, National Burns Center, Sheba Medical Center, Israel.

Rachel is currently part of a project that is investigating the use of electrospun nanofibrous polymeric matrix for dermal healing in wound care.