Forms and Templates

For Human Research Ethics, Animal Care & Ethics, Defence Trade Control Committee, Institutional Biosafety Committee, Radiation Safety Committee, Chemical Safety Committee applications for teaching or research, manuals and resources please visit the Research Integrity, Ethics and Compliance website.

By category

You can also see a full searchable list of these forms.

All users of Faculty of Science & Health facilities must be granted access and adhere to relevant policies, procedures and guidelines.

Users must have appropriate levels of qualification and complete an approved WHS induction, and training (where required).

The following forms can be used to apply for authorisation to access and use FOSH facilities:

  • Application to use facility (All FOSH spaces)
    • Application to use facility form should be used by CSU researchers and students requesting access to FOSH facilities. Completed forms should be sent to appropriate area manager and the area email addresses.
  • Non-University Organisations Hire/Use of Charles Sturt University Faculty of Science & Health Facilities
    • Application form should be completed by Non-University Organisations for the Hire/Use of Charles Sturt University Faculty of Science & Health Facilities. Organisations should contact area managers for additional information and to submit application forms.
  • Add personnel to existing project
    • To add additional applicants to an existing project the Add personnel to existing project should be completed by all applicants. Approval from Supervisor, Facility manager and Head of School is required
  • After hours access or working alone form
    • Please consult the After hours or working alone procedure to prior to submitting this form to relevant Facility Manager. Approval for after hours or alone work is dependent on risks associated with the work.
  • Equipment request form
    • Equipment request form can be used to request the use of FOSH equipment for teaching and research purposes. Requests should be directed to relevant technical area emails.
  • Extension of time to existing project
  • Charles Sturt Fieldwork Participation Form
    • The Charles Sturt Fieldwork Participation Form assists Charles Sturt University to ensure your safety and wellbeing while you are participating in fieldwork by establishing behaviour standards and essential medical and privacy information as well as personal protective equipment requirements.

Induction forms

Authorised  Personnel List

Training forms

Training forms for staff and students using specialised equipment within the Faculty of Science & Health. Training records may be required as evidence of competency as part of risk assessments or for gaining access to facilities.