The Woodland Web

The Woodland Web is a collection of articles describing recent research on the ecology, conservation, management and restoration of native woodlands and grasslands.

Drooping Sheoak

These articles were originally written for community newsletters, conference proceedings and other publications, many of which had limited circulation. By collating them all on the web, we hope that they become available to many more readers.

The native grasslands and woodlands of southern Australia are fascinating, beautiful and highly endangered. We hope that the Woodland Web enlightens many readers to their diversity and importance.

Development of this web site was supported by funds from the NSW Environmental Trust and Charles Sturt University. The research reported on this web site was supported by many organisations, to whom we are most grateful.


Learn about grassland and woodland ecosystems...


Saving endangered grasslands and woodlands...


Restoring degraded woodlands...


Learn about woodland plants...


Grassland and woodland animals...


Managing woodlands...

  • Historical changes in woodland tree densities [Ian Lunt]