Services Offered

The EAL specialise in chemical, physical and microbiological analysis of the following sample types:

  • Water supplies – Potable town waters, private water supplies, tank waters, bottled waters.
  • Surface waters – Dams, rivers, creek.
  • Waste/Effluent waters – Primary, secondary, final sewage and industrial effluents.
  • Biosolids – Classification, contaminant grading and nutrient content.
  • Ground waters – Stock, irrigation, potable.
  • Soils – Agricultural, contaminated.
  • Air particulates – Dust Deposition
  • Sediments
  • Miscellaneous organic and inorganic sample matrices such as plant material, asbestos, lead in paint etc.

A full list of tests performed at the EAL can be found at Routine Tests If there is testing required which doesn't appear on the list, please do not hesitate to contact us.

All sample bottles, eskies, ice bricks, relevant documentation and sampling advice is supplied free of charge to clients wishing to perform their own sampling.  Independent expert sampling can be arranged if the client seeks to dissociate themselves from the sampling process.