

Project Researchers (key contact in Bold) Additional Information
BloatBruce Allworth
Marta Hernandez-Jover
Mary McQuillan
Shawn McGrath
Lynne Hayes
Investigating the importance and prevalence of bloat in southern Australia
See Bloat Alert app: @AlertBloat
Fact Sheet
Ram lambs Bruce Allworth
Shawn McGrath
Growth rates, feed conversion and meat quality of Composite ram v. wether lambs. Results available 2022.
Optimal supplementary feeding strategies for lamb survival Susan Robertson
Bruce Allworth
Collaboration with AWI, MLA Donor Company (P.PSH.2050) and Murdoch University. Anecdotal evidence has suggested that supplementary feeding ewes at lambing may cause them to abandon their lambs which could reduce lamb survival. However, there is conflicting opinion as to whether trail feeding or the use of self-feeders is more favourable for lamb survival.
Containment feeding of Ewes Susan Robertson There is a lack of scientific evidence to assist producers to decide on optimal management practices when containment feeding ewes. This project is evaluating feeding strategies for ewes. Results available 2022.
National Lamb Feedlotting Research Program Shawn McGrath MLA Donor Company. We are seeking partners interested in the lamb feedlot industry to co-invest in this program to answer key questions for this fast-developing industry
Finishing Lambs: optimising preparation and adaptation of lambs to improve finishing performance Shawn McGrath
Thomas Keogh
MLA Donor Company (P.PSH.1212).
Investigating animal health and diseases in Australian Lamb Feedlots Mary McQuillan
Shawn McGrath
Marta Hernandez-Jover
Luzia Rast
Bruce Allworth
Lynne Hayes
Animal Health Australia
Refining ewe body condition score at joining for region, season, breed and responsiveness Amy Bates
Shawn McGrath
Susan Robertson
Bruce Allworth
Collaboration with NSW DPI.
Sky Shepherd Bruce Allworth
Shawn McGrath
Collaboration with UNSW. Assessing a purpose-built UAV for mustering and moving sheep
Trakka – Making data flow Jonathan Medway
Shawn McGrath
Lynne Hayes
Trakka – Making data flow. This project aims to transform the red meat supply chain by developing a self-sustaining data sharing platform called ‘TRAKKA’ that enables data (and consequently, value) to flow in all directions along the supply chain.
Assessing Ceres Tags in a southern beef production system Shawn Animal monitoring and information platform
Emerging Crop-Livestock Production Systems adapted to a changing Environment (ECLIPSE) Shawn McGrath Collaboration with Cirad and countries in the Indian Ocean basin


TitleResearchers Additional Information
Lifting the Limits: best practice worm control in prime lamb flocks  Lifting the Limits: best practice worm control in prime lamb flocks
Step changes in Meat Production Systems from Dual-Purpose Crops in
the Feedbase
Shawn McGrath, Andrew Moore,
Cesar Pinares-Patino, Scott McDonald, Richard Simpson, John Kirkegaard, Michael Friend, Susan Street, Graeme Sandral, Ralph Behrendt, Margaret Raeside and Jonathon Tocker
MLA funded project; collaboration between CSIRO, Charles Sturt University, and Victorian Department of Primary Industries. Fred Morley Centre engaged to compile final report and draft key research papers.
Supplementation of lambs grazing lucerne Matthew Champness, Shawn McGrath and
Jeff McCormick
Does supplementation with salt and/or barley improve growth rates of lambs grazing lucerne?
Supplementation of pregnant ewes with 25-hydroxyviatmin D3 Shawn McGrath, Marie Bhanugopan, Joe McGrath, Gordon Refshauge, Bruce Allworth and Michael Friend
Assessing the effect of a Vitamin D supplement in late pregnancy on ewe mineral status and lamb production.
Growth rates and carcase characteristics of lambs fed commercial
pellets or grain during the finishing phase
Shawn McGrath and Bruce Allworth  
Beef cattle trials on drench resistance and production benefits related
to winter drenching
Brad Goonan, Bruce Allworth, Rob Woodgate
and Shawn McGrath
Grazing cattle on dual-purpose crops Jeff McCormick, John Paulet and
Shawn McGrath
Pilot trials assessing live weight gain of weaners grazing wheat and canola.
Managing metabolic disorders in pregnant ewes to improve ewe and
lamb survival
Michael Friend, Marie Bhanugopan, Shawn McGrath,
Forough Ataollahi, Sam Scarlett,
Janelle Hocking Edwards, Emma Windslow, Serina Hancock, Andrew Thompson, David Masters and Gordon Refshauge
Please see link to;
Managing metabolic disorders in pregnant ewes to improve ewe and lamb survival
Does vaccination with Bovilis MH + IBR on farm temporarily reduce
steer growth rates?
Fauve Buckley, Bruce Allworth and Shawn McGrath  
Mineral supplementation of late-lactation ewes grazing barley Forough Ataollahi, Marie Bhanugopan and
Shawn McGrath
Campylobacter vaccination in sheep   
Feeding silage to ewes over joining   

Feeding lupins to ewes over joining


Assessing perinatal lamb losses

Developing models in AusFarm to assess conditions under which
ultrasound pregnancy scanning and the percentage of lucerne on a
farm are most profitable