Melissa Skein

Associate Head of School

Dr Melissa Skein

PhD, BExSci (Hons), AEP, ESSAM

Associate Head of School (Courses) / Senior Lecturer in Exercise Science
Building 1431 Room 1.14

Dr Melissa Skein is a Senior Lecturer in Human Movement in the School of Allied Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences. Dr Skein's primary research focus is the effect of sleep on health and wellbeing and exercise performance in the general population and athletes. Dr Skein's research interests also include the regulation of pacing strategies and fatigue during self-paced exercise and thermoregulation. She has also authored numerous publications and a book chapter and has presented at national and international conferences. Dr Skein undertakes teaching and research work and consults for local sport organisations as an Exercise Scientist in the areas of sleep, recovery and athlete monitoring.

Dr Skein's laboratory and field-based research primarily includes:

  • Fatigue and the regulation of pacing strategies during self-paced exercise;
  • Relationship between sleep, exercise and appetite;
  • Effect of sleep and travel on sporting performance;
  • Athlete monitoring;
  • Thermoregulation.
  • Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) and Exercise Scientist (AES) with Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA)
  • European College of Sport Science (ECSS) Member
  • CSU Representative – Western Region Academy of Sport (WRAS) Board
  • Gescheit, D. T., Duffield, R., Skein, M., Brydon, N., Cormack, S. J., & Reid, M. (2016). Effects of consecutive days of match play on technical performance in tennis. Journal of sports sciences, 1-7.
  • Wingfield, G. L., Gale R., Minett G. M., Marino, F. E., Skein, M (2016) The effect of high versus low intensity heat acclimation on performance and neuromuscular responses. Journal of Thermal Biology. doi:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2016.02.006
  • Minett, G. M., Skein, M., Bieuzen, F., Stewart, I. B., Borg, D. N., Bach, A. J., & Costello, J. T. (2016). Heat acclimation for protection from exertional heat stress (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (1), Art-No.
  • Minett, G. M., Gale, R., Wingfield, G., Marino, F. E., Washington, T. L., & Skein, M. (2015). Sleep quantity and quality during heat-based training and the effects of cold-water immersion recovery. Extreme Physiology & Medicine, 4(Suppl 1), A150.
  • Le Meur Y, Duffield R, Skein M (2013) Sleep. Recovery in Sport. Eds Christophe Hausswirth, Inigo Mujika and Andrew Verdon. Human Kinetics.*
  • Skein M, Duffield R, Minett G, Snape A, Murphy A (2013) The effect of overnight sleep deprivation following competitive rugby league matches on post-match physiological and perceptual recovery. International Journal of Sports and Physical Performance.*
  • Murphy A, Snape A, Minett G. M, Skein M, Duffield R (2012) The effects of post-match alcohol ingestion on recovery from competitive Rugby League matches. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e318267a5e9.
  • Skein M, Duffield R, Kelly BT, Marino FE (2012) The effects of carbohydrate intake and glycogen content on self-paced intermittent-sprint exercise despite no knowledge of carbohydrate manipulation. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 112(8), 2859-2870.
  • Skein M, Duffield R, Cannon J , Marino FE (2012) Self-paced intermittent-sprint performance and pacing strategies after pre-cooling and heating. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 112(1), 253-266.
  • Duffield R, Murphy A, Snape A, Minett G, Skein M (2011) Post-match changes in neuromuscular function and the relationship to match demands in amateur rugby league matches. Journal of Sport and Medicine in Sport and Exercise. 15, 238-243.
  • Skein M, Duffield R, Edge J, Short MJ, Mündel T (2011) Intermittent-sprint performance and muscle glycogen following 30 h sleep deprivation. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise, 43(7), 1301-1311. *
  • Skein M & Duffield R(2010) The effect of fluid ingestion on free-paced intermittent-sprint performance and pacing strategies in the heat. Journal of Sports Sciences 28 (3), 299-307.
  • Duffield R, King M, Skein M (2009) Recovery of voluntary and evoked muscle performance following intermittent-sprint exercise in the heat. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 4, 254-268.

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