BAppSc(Biomedical Science)(Biochemistry)(UTS), BAppSc(Wine Science)(CSU), BAppSc(Wine Science)(Honours)(CSU), PhD(CSU) John graduated from the Bachelor of Wine Science degree in 2002 and was employed by CSU in 2004. His PhD examined the sensory description and consumer preference of Hunter Valley Semillon. John has taught a range of wine science, wine production and sensory subjects. John is currently involved in a variety of research projects that require small-lot winemaking to determine the impact of various viticultural trials, winemaking procedures and the investigation of wine fault amelioration. He is also involved in sensory testing which is used to establish treatment differences and sensory descriptive analysis allows these differences to be described and quantified. View John Blackman's publications on CRO.Wine & Viticulture Science
Dr John Blackman
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