Zahra Batool Naqvi

Veterinary Science

Dr Zahra Batool Naqvi


Lecturer in Livestock Health and Production
Wagga Wagga
Building 229 Room 225

Dr. Zahra Naqvi is a lecturer in Livestock Health and Production in the School of Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences, CSU. Dr Naqvi is a veterinarian holding a PhD in Meat Science from Charles Sturt University in 2022 through a prestigious award (John Allwright Fellowship) from the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

Her research focus remains on improving tenderness, shelf life, and sensory characteristics of low-valued beef meat. Dr Naqvi has more than six years of experience as a veterinary extension and research officer at ACIAR funded project in Pakistan. The project was a collaboration of CSU and the University of Melbourne to improve extension services and beef value chains in rural Pakistan. Dr Naqvi has extensive experience in farmer engagement, designing field research, data collection, development of extension material, outreach extension and impact assessment. Dr. Naqvi’s contributions to the field extension with rural women farmers in Pakistan is recognized through numerous awards and publications.


Dr Naqvi teaches meat and veterinary science subjects.

Dr Naqvi’s research interests include meat science and livestock health and production.
She has worked on a multimillion-dollar project funded by Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) on dairy beef during her PhD. The overarching goal of her research is to improve the eating quality of meat by exploring the mechanism of meat tenderisation. She is also a big fan of passing the knowledge to end users and therefore has been actively engaged with meat sensory studies, animal production, extension, and farmers' engagement.