BA (Arch) BVetBiol BVetSc (Hons 1) GradDipEd (Tertiary) After graduating from CSU in 2016, Melanie relocated to sunny Western Australia and completed an internship in veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia at Murdoch University, where she received the “Best Intern” award of 2017 and was selected to present her Honours research at ANZCVS Science Week in the Gold Coast. She has also worked in medical research for the University of Western Australia and returned to Wagga several times as a locum veterinary anaesthetist, servicing both the small animal and equine hospitals at CSU. Since completing her internship, Melanie has divided her time between working at two busy small animal emergency and critical care centres in North Perth, as well as working in general practice and doing voluntary surgical work with the RSPCA. Melanie has returned to CSU to join the anaesthesia service as a permanent staff member and is excited to have returned to a teaching role. She is passionate about student welfare as well as wildlife and conservation work, and her interests include veterinary anaesthesia and small animal emergency and critical care, particularly fluid therapy, acid-base analysis and toxicology.Veterinary Science
Dr Melanie Catanchin