Anita Helman

Veterinary Science

Dr Anita Helman

BEd(PrimEd); GradDipAnimSc; BVetBio/BVetSci(Hons)

Lecturer in Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology
Wagga Wagga
Building 294 Room 113

Anita graduated in 2011 from the University of Canberra with a Bachelor of Education (primary). She taught casually for 12 months after which she returned to university at Charles Sturt to complete a Graduate Diploma of Animal Science followed by a Bachelor of Veterinary Biology/Veterinary Science. After graduation Anita spent 5 years in mixed clinical practice. Since graduation Anita has also taught casually for the university in a range of areas (anatomy and physiology, reproduction, spey clinic). Anita has now proudly joined the anatomy and physiology team as a full-time lecturer at Charles Sturt.

Anita is currently undertaking a scholarship of teaching and learning at Charles Sturt.