Alison Neef

Veterinary Science

Dr Alison Neef

BVSc (hons), BSc (vet), MANZCVS (pathobiology)

Lecturer in Veterinary Pathology
Wagga Wagga
Building 294 Room 117

Alison graduated from the University of Sydney in 2007 and worked in mixed practice  for 9 years before commencing a residency in pathology at Charles Sturt University. She became a member of the pathobiology chapter of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in 2018.

Alison’s teaching role is currently focused on the final year pathology rotations as well as some lecturing in the pathology subjects.

Alison is currently undertaking a PhD that is focused on developing diagnostic tests for Canine Circovirus, and is also interested in developing a better understanding of the clinical disease that Canine Circovirus causes in dogs. She is interested in all aspects of pathology, and is concentrating on clinical pathology for board level certification.

MANZCVS (pathobiology chapter)