Jodi Price


Associate Professor Jodi Price

BEnvSci, Hons 1, PhD, GradCertTeaching

Associate Professor in Ecology
Albury / Wodonga
Building 760 Room 115

Dr Jodi Price is an Associate Professor in Vegetation Ecology at Charles Sturt University, Albury. With a Ph.D. from LaTrobe University, her research focuses on the impact of human activities on plant diversity, emphasizing community assembly processes, restoration ecology, disturbances such as fire and grazing and invasion ecology.

She has held academic and research positions at the University of Western Australia, University of New England, and the University of Tartu (Estonia). Dr Price has authored over 70 peer-reviewed articles, contributing significantly to understanding vegetation dynamics in grasslands and woodlands. Her work is internationally recognized, and she collaborates with experts globally to address ecological challenges. Dr Price is the Editor in Chief of the international journal Applied Vegetation Science

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Dr Jodi Price has been part of the faculty at Charles Sturt University since 2015, specialising in the fields of fire ecology, vegetation management, and restoration ecology. Her teaching seamlessly integrates with her research interests, providing students with a comprehensive and current understanding of ecosystem dynamics and the impact of human activities. With a strong applied focus,

Dr Price designs assessments that emphasise real-world applications. preparing students for the complexities of ecosystem management. She also highlights practical, hands-on learning experiences, equipping students for careers in ecology and environmental management. Committed to fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills, Dr Price encourages students to engage with real-world ecological challenges.

She takes a scholarly approach to teaching and learning and has completed the Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning. Additionally, she has successfully supervised numerous honours and PhD students to completion, contributing significantly to the field through mentorship.

Dr Price’s research interests span the field of plant ecology and ecosystem management, with a core focus on patterns and processes in open ecosystems such as grasslands and woodlands. She aims to understand the key drivers of diversity patterns, including both natural processes like plant-plant interactions and external processes like disturbances. Recent projects involve exploring the reintroduction of cultural fire to long-unburnt grasslands and the restoration of these ecosystems.

To address these research questions, Dr Price employs a range of approaches, including field experiments and surveys, laboratory experiments, reviews, and meta-analyses, as well as globally distributed experiments. She is actively involved in the global research cooperative the Nutrient Network, which investigates the effects of nutrients and herbivores on grasslands. Additionally, Dr Price serves on the advisory board for DarkDivNet, a global initiative examining the importance of regional processes on local communities.