Mobushir (Moby) Riaz Khan

Environmental Science

Dr Mobushir Khan

PhD (Spatial Sciences for Natural Resources)

Senior Lecturer in Spatial Science
Albury / Wodonga
Building 760 Room 144

Mobushir (Moby) Khan holds a doctorate in Spatial Sciences for Natural Resources from the Twente University, Netherlands and about ten years of university teaching and research experience with execution and implementation of geospatial projects specializing in geospatial analyses and modelling for agriculture, forestry, surface and groundwater hydrology. He has been Professional trainer in relevant remote sensing technologies for organizations (e.g., Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Asian Development Bank (ADB).


Website - Personal

My teaching focuses on Remote sensing/Earth Observation (Satellite, airborne and UAV). I am interested in disseminating geospatial knowledge on the use of active and passive remote sensors to record and interpret information related to land, water, and the environment. My teaching also focuses on various aspects of climate science particularly, the climate change assessment and adaptation.

My research focus is on geospatial applications for natural resource management focusing on:

  • Sustainable agriculture: My research outputs mainly focus on precision agriculture, crop mapping and monitoring, land suitability modelling, and climate-smart agricultural systems.
  • Spatial modelling and decision support systems for food security and water resource management: My research outputs in this focus area include real-time assessment of field scale crop monitoring for precision agriculture along with agro-meteorological analytics, water quantity and quality.
  • Flood and bushfire assessment and mitigation: My research focus in DRR is on using geospatial data to assess and mitigate natural hazards such as floods and wildfires. My research outputs in this focus area include passive remote sensing for bushfire monitoring & damage assessment and impact assessment of flood events on food security.

Current Projects:

Adapting to salinity in the Southern Indus Basin (2021-2023)

In this project, my research is focused on developing mobile and web-based geospatial applications for land and water evaluation and monitoring crop performance for adapting to salinity. In a recent project on groundwater management, I developed decision support tools to assist users in calculating monthly crop water requirements, deficits in surface water supplies, groundwater quality and allied information.