John Rafferty

Environmental Science

Dr John Rafferty

Dip. Teaching (Primary); Grad Dip App Sci Dip; MEd, EdD

Associate Head (Environmental Science & Management) / Lecturer in Environmental Education
Albury / Wodonga
Building 760 Room 249

Since 2021 John has been an Associate Head of School, and on occasional deputised as Acting Head of School. Prior to joining CSU in 2001 John had a successful career as a school teacher. After initially joining the Faculty of Education he transferred to the Faculty of Science and Health in 2013. John holds a substantive position as a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Education.


John is an award-winning educator with extensive experience in designing, coordinating and teaching subjects that critically explore the complex interactions between the major social, environmental, economic and community well-being dimensions of life in future environments.

Current scholarship of teaching projects includes:

Australian Fellowship Awards: Round 19 Australia Awards Fellowships (AAF) program.

Rethinking irrigation and fisheries planning in the Indo-Pacific.

This Fellowship brings 15 students from the Indo-Pacific to study bespoke subjects and live on Albury Campus for 16 weeks. Participants return to their home country with knowledge and skills that will have a direct impact on how waterways are designed and managed to better consider fish movement.

Working within the Gulbali Institute, John has developed a research profile focused on investigating the both the disproportionate burden of environmental impacts on Regional communities and how those communities respond to such impacts. Promoting and evaluating Citizen Science programs provides a valuable platform for such investigations.

Securing external funding over $2 million and published in Q1 and Q2 journals, John’s leadership research is also expressed through his active membership of the CSU HREC. John also represents CSU on the Australasian Council of Environmental Deans and Directors (ACEDD)

Current Research projects include;

  • Sustainable Hydropower in the Mekong: Focusing best-practice technological interventions into dam designs for sustainable fish-based livelihoods - with Prof Lee Baumgartner
  • Citizen Science: Integrating community groups into basin-scale fish tagging and recovery programs. As a component part One Basin CRC (Next Generation Water Engineering and River Management Hub) - with  Dr Katie Doyle
  • NSW Environmental Research Society and Science; a new approach to wildlife disease surveillance  - with Drs Andrew Peters, Helen Masterman-Smith.