Danielle Ryan


Dr Danielle Ryan

BAppSc(Hons) (CSU) PhD (CSU)

Senior Lecturer in Chemistry
Wagga Wagga
Building 288 Room 148

Dr Ryan completed her PhD which focused on phenolics in olives at Charles Sturt University. She then completed post-doctoral research at the University of Milan and RMIT University (in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography) and commenced lecturing at CSU in 2005. Dr Ryan teaches first year chemistry and upper level analytical chemistry and advanced instrumental analysis.

Dr Ryan is an analytical chemist specialising in separation science. Her research also included metabolomics. She is the co-author of 1 book, co-editor of 1 book, and has over 50 refereed publications. Dr Ryan is a Member of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and the Royal Society of Chemistry. She is also Treasurer of the Riverina-Murray section of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.

Dr Ryan has extensive chemistry teaching experience. She is involved in coordinating and delivering first year chemistry, and upper level analytical chemistry and advanced instrumental analysis for BSci(Analytical chemistry) students. Together with her chemistry colleagues, she has been awarded a Carrick Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning, a Vice Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence (CSU), and an Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) Teaching Fellowship.

Dr Ryan is an experienced analytical chemist whose research is focused on the application of analytical chemistry, separation science and metabolomics to complex natural metabolomes for the understanding of natural product quality and potential health benefits of bioactive compounds, and the elucidation of disease biomarkers.

Dr Ryan currently supervises 2 PhD students who are investigating:

  • the effect of Ngurambang (Country) on bioactives in Eremophila species;
  • the application of metabolomics in Fontan circulation.