Md Asaduzzaman (Asad)


Dr Asad (Md) Asaduzzaman

PhD (Plant Sci, CSU), MSc in Agron, GradCertAppStats, BScAgri

Lecturer in Crop Science
Wagga Wagga
Building 286, Room 210

Asad started his academic career at one of the oldest agricultural institution in South Asia, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Bangladesh. He was awarded the Crawford Fund Australia in 2009 to work as a Visiting Scientist at the University of South Australia.

Asad completed his PhD in canola allelopathy from CSU and his research promoted the concept of self-weeding crops. Following completion of PhD, he worked as a Research Fellow at the Graham Centre, CSU.

Before joining as a Lecturer at CSU, he was appointed as a Research Scientist at the NSW Department of Primary Industries, first head-up research for both summer and winter crops in southern NSW, then in herbicide resistance and weed science area. He uncovered the world's first double-knock herbicide resistance and Australia’s first paraquat resistance in exotic Conyza sumatrensis species.

Asad's research broadly focuses on crop digital agronomy, weed science, herbicide resistance, plant ecology, and plasticity under predicted climate change. He has proficiency in using R and is competent in ecological statistics and data mining operations to turn research data into information and information into stories for end users.


Memberships to the following organisations:

  • Agronomy Society of Australia
  • The Weed Society of NSW, Australia
  • The Australian Society of Plant Scientists
  • Data Mining Research Group, CSU
  • Crop Science Society of America, USA
  • International Society of Root Research
  • International Allelopathy Society
  • British Ecological Society, UK

Editorial Board Member

  • Frontiers in Plant Science, Associate Editor
  • Frontiers in Agronomy, Associate Editor
  • PLoSOne, Academic Editor
  • Plant Research and Innovations, Associate Editor

Google Scholar






Asad’s teaching interests and experience include-

  • Crop science and Agronomy
  • Precision agriculture
  • Weed and Pesticide sciences.
  • Advanced enquiry methods
  • Experimental design and Data analysis
  • Agro-meteorology

Asad’s research interests include-

  • Crop digital agronomy
  • Weed science and herbicide resistance
  • Plant interference mechanism
  • Plant ecology and plasticity
  • Ecological statistics

Asad is keen on developing research programmes and is actively seeking research opportunities and partnerships focusing on:

  • Leveraging remote sensing and plant spectral fingerprints in deep learning frameworks for smart agronomy.
  • Understanding weeds’ evolutionary ecology and their biological invasions both in cropping and non-cropping situations.
  • Herbicide resistance dynamics and the potential influence of hormesis on the evolution of resistance in weeds.
  • Allelopathic plant-plant interactions and how plant actively respond to their neighbours by altering root placement patterns.
  • The capacity of plants (different shapes of functional traits of a certain genetic individual) to respond to the existing and novel environment, as well as how and when it evolves, and when it matters.
  • Using machine learning and statistical SDMs to know where a species is known to occur and how it relates to a suitable environment