Bob Dambergs

Wine Sciences

Dr Bob Dambergs

BSc (Hons) PhD

Senior Lecturer in Wine Production
Wagga Wagga
Building 404, Room 214

Highlights include:

  • Over 30 years’ experience in the wine industry, initially as Technical Services Manager with BRL Hardy Wines, involving all aspects of wine production from harvest through to wine packaging, including distillation of fortifying spirit and brandy.  The role included research which led to pioneering work on the use of Near Infrared to assess grape quality and a subsequent career at the Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI)
  • Setting up the first external node of AWRI within the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture at the University of Tasmania and establishing viticulture and oenology research groups in Hobart and Launceston. Research was focused on objective methods to measure grape and wine quality, and manipulation of quality with winemaking.
  • Foundation member of The Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology, serving on the Board and as Secretary.
  • Being made a Fellow of the Society of Viticulture and Oenology for services to the wine industry, through research, extension, and education.
  • Presenting specialist lectures to Oenology and Agricultural Science students at the University of Adelaide and the University of Tasmania.
  • Being invited to speak at international conferences in Spain, Italy, British Columbia, Pennsylvania, and New Zealand.
  • Chair of the Program Committee of the International Cool Climate Winemaking Symposium held in Hobart.
  • Supervising many post-graduate students at the University of Tasmania
  • Currently Senior Lecturer in Wine Production.


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Teaching wine production methods to senior students, based on extensive experience in the wine industry, both in research and commercial wine production. The subjects cover practical aspects of production of red and white table wine, sparkling wine, fortified wine and distillation products.

Research conducted on objective methods of wine and grape quality and manipulating wine quality with winemaking methods. Pioneered rapid wine and grape analytical methods based on spectroscopy and chemometrics and developed methods now widespread in industry and research. Currently working on using multivariate data analysis to describe the effects of growing region, grape variety, and seasonal climate variation on wine quality, using 15 years of accumulated data from Australian and overseas producers.