Paul Humphries

Wildlife Ecology

Associate Professor Paul Humphries

BSc(Hons) 1983, MSc 1987, PhD 1991

Associate Professor in Biology
Albury / Wodonga
Building 760 Room 213

Paul has been studying the ecology and conservation of aquatic ecosystems for 40 years, and has published widely in the field of river ecology. Paul has contributed to many expert panels and consultancies, regularly referees for Australian and international scientific journals and is on the editorial boards of the international journals Biodiversity and Conservation and River Research and Applications. He has written more than 100 scientific papers, book chapters, reports and articles, is co-editor of Ecology of Australian Freshwater Fishes, 2013 (CSIRO Publishing) and the author of The Life and Times of the Murray cod, 2023 (CSIRO Publishing).


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River Ecology Blog

Paul has taught in environmental sciences courses at the undergraduate, Honours and post-graduate level since 2005. His teaching focus includes animal diversity, aquatic ecology and research methods and statistics. He has also supervised 16 PhD and 17 Honours students to completion.

Paul’s research has focused on the role of flow and floodplains in the life cycles of fishes, fish recruitment, dispersal of the early life stages of fish, river ecosystem concepts and the history of environmental change in freshwater environments. More recently, he has collaborated on the functional ecology and conservation of freshwater mussels.