Matt Greenlees

Wildlife Ecology

Dr Matt Greenlees

BSc (hons) PhD

Lecturer in Environmental Management
Port Macquarie
Building 802, Room 2140

Matt completed his undergraduate, honours and PhD at the University of Sydney before going on to consecutive research post-doctoral fellowships there. He then spent time at Macquarie University and Monash University before arriving at Charles Sturt University Port Macquarie campus.

He has been undertaking research on the invasion of cane toads in Australia for over ten years, having worked throughout northern Australia and more recently focusing on the invasion front in Northern New South Wales.

His interests in the invasion are varied ranging from the ecology of toads, to impacts on and responses of native species and finally, investigating methods of control. In addition to his extensive research on toads, he has also been involved in various projects focused on conservation of Australian reptiles and amphibians. In total he has authored or co-authored over 60 peer-reviewed papers and two book chapters.

He is a member of the Australian Society of Herpetologists and honorary research associate in the herpetology section at The Australian Museum

Google Scholar

Matt has over ten years of experience teaching undergraduate and postgraduate subjects and has done so at several universities. His expertise is in the areas of Zoology and Ecology. In addition to traditional theory-focused subjects using traditional lecture, tutorial and on-site practical coursework, Matt has extensive experience running intensive field-based subjects for undergraduate and postgraduate students. He has run intensive field ecology units in coastal New South Wales and in remote areas of the Northern Territory.

Matt’s primary research focus is on the ecology, impacts and control of cane toads – particularly at the southern extent of their range in northern New South Wales. He is also interested in conservation-oriented projects on the ecology of Australian reptiles and amphibians.