Jake Fountain

Social Sciences

Dr Jake Fountain

BVBiol/BVSc (Hons I) GradCertSAECC PhD

Lecturer in Small Animal Veterinary Practice
Wagga Wagga
Building 229 Room 268

Jake started his veterinary career at the Animal Referral Hospital in Canberra as an emergency veterinarian. Over two years of full-time emergency work he treated a wide range of presentations, including trauma, envenomation, toxicities, and metabolic disorders. His continuing interest in the field prompted him to complete a Graduate Certificate in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care with University of Melbourne in 2018.

Whilst continuing to work in small animal emergency practice on a part-time basis, Jake built on his undergraduate honours research by undertaking a PhD researching biosecurity behaviours in Australian beef cattle which was awarded in May 2023. His continuing interest in both small animal practice and epidemiology has prompted him to take on the role of Lecturer in Small Animal Veterinary Practice at Charles Sturt University, where he hopes to continue his research in epidemiology with both a large animal and small animal focus.


With an ongoing interest in small animal health and welfare, Jake’s main teaching focus is the application of small animal techniques and principles as part of the final year subject CR2 small animal veterinary practice. He is also involved in teaching PBL in Phase 2 of the Veterinary curriculum and small animal internal rotations.

Jake’s research focus has historically been in epidemiology of farm animals; specifically, disease modelling, on-farm biosecurity, decision analysis and agricultural-based social science. Jake continues to engage in large animal epidemiological research, whilst expanding his portfolio to small animal epidemiology, which complements his teaching role. He is most interested in research with practical applications that support in-clinic decision-making and client communication. Jake also has an interest in research involving novel teaching methods both within and outside of the classroom setting.