Shubho Das


Dr Shubho Das

DVM, MSc (Vet Pathology), PhD (Virology)

Senior Lecturer in Pathobiology
Wagga Wagga
Building 294 Room 108

Dr. Shubhagata (Shubho) Das has been awarded his Ph.D. from Charles Sturt University for researching on molecular and structural virology of circoviruses. This was followed by his post-doctoral research supported by the threatened species recovery fund (TSRF) for developing a vaccine against Beak and feather disease virus, a key threatening process for world’s most critically endangered bird species, the Orange‐bellied Parrot.

Before joining Charles Sturt as a HDR student in 2014 with International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS), Shubho worked as a pathologist and full time academic at Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Bangladesh. Currently, he is working as a lecturer in Veterinary Pathology under SAVS and involved with Charles Sturt Veterinary diagnostic laboratory concentrating on anatomic pathology support.

Shubho’s main teaching and research themes include veterinary pathobiology, molecular virology, viral evolution and structural virology. His primary research interest is combining genomics and structural biology approaches for answering viral evolution, discovering novel animal viruses and expressing recombinant protein macromolecules as vaccine candidates.

  • Undergraduate Veterinary Pathology
  • Final year pathology rotations
  • HDR supervision/co-supervision in animal virology focused research
  • Anatomic pathology, currently concentrating for obtaining board level certification.
  • Viral genomics, viral evolution and structural characterisation of essential viral proteins.
  • Discovery of novel viral pathogen.
  • Vaccination protocols for controlling Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD).
  • Innovative virus like particle (VLP) formulation and delivery system for vaccine candidates.