Seyed Ali Ghorashi


Associate Professor Seyed Ali Ghorashi


Associate Professor in Intensive Animal Health and Production
Wagga Wagga
Building 294 Room 106

Associate Professor Ali Ghorashi is a veterinarian with a doctorate in Veterinary Microbiology. He has over 25 years’ experience in teaching and research, and he specialises in poultry health and production.

He teaches into a variety of subjects at Charles Sturt that involve animal health, production and molecular biology at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. His research interests are varied, but primarily include the development of novel molecular diagnostic tests, epidemiology and surveillance of veterinary infectious diseases, and the genotyping of avian pathogens. A/Professor Ghorashi is member of CSU Biosafety committee and has a number of editorial responsibilities for international journals as well as professional organisations.

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Associate Professor Ghorashi has over 25 years of teaching experience in poultry health and production and molecular biology. He teaches into most of animal production and health subjects offered in veterinary and animal science disciplines. He is coordinating a number of subjects at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. A/Professor Ghorashi’s postgraduate teaching includes supervision of Masters and PhD students.

Associate Professor Ghorashi has co-authored over 130 peer-reviewed scientific journal publications and 76 conference presentations on diverse animal health topics, collaborating with more than 50 post-graduate students. His research projects have been supported by substantial funding, securing more than $1 million in research grants. This financial support has played a vital role in facilitating the execution of his research projects and advancing the understanding of animal health. Through these collaborative efforts and research achievements, A/Professor Ghorashi has established himself as a highly productive and influential researcher in the field, contributing significantly to the scientific community's knowledge base in animal health.