Raphael Labens

Clinical research

Associate Professor Raphael Labens


Associate Professor in Equine Surgery
Wagga Wagga
Building 130

After graduating from the University of Veterinary Medicine (Vienna, Austria, 2000) and a period in equine practice in Germany, Dr. Labens underwent speciality training at the University of Liege in Belgium, the University of Glasgow in the UK and at North Carolina State University in the USA. During this time he also obtained a master degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Glasgow and a doctoral degree in comparative biomedical sciences from NC State University. Dr Labens has held clinical appointments at the University of Glasgow, the University of Edinburgh and NC State University where he remains an adjunct faculty member. He is certified by the American and European College of Veterinary Surgeons as an equine surgical specialist and by the American College for Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation as a specialist in this field also. As a certified veterinary acupuncturist (Chi Institute) Dr Labens also offers complementary treatment approaches in his patient care.

He is the superintendent of the Equine Hospital at Charles Sturt University, program director for surgery and sports medicine residency programs at CSU and the Associate Editor of “Veterinary Surgery”.

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Undergraduate and postgraduate courses relevant to equine veterinary practice and workplace learning at the universities teaching hospital.

Dr Labens’ clinical and experimental research interests focus on treatment of equine surgical and orthopaedic conditions and diagnostic imaging methods.