Ebony Schoenfeld

Clinical research

Dr Ebony Schoenfeld

BVetBiol/BVetSc(Hons), GCLTHE

Lecturer in Veterinary Technology
Wagga Wagga
Building 229 Room 152

After graduating from Charles Sturt University in 2016, Ebony has worked as a mixed practice practitioner in both Australia and the UK. At the beginning of 2020, she chose to return to Australia to continue her studies in small animal practice. She is passionate about both surgery and medicine.

Currently, Ebony is splitting her time between lecturing and researching the diagnosis, treatment and effect of grass seeds within companion animals.


During the year I teach both veterinary technology and veterinary science foundational veterinary knowledge. Using my clinical experience, I teach core topics such as behaviour and welfare, ethics and basic handling techniques of companion animals to first years. Furthermore, I utilise my diagnostic imaging skills to teach safety and gold-standard techniques in both radiography and ultrasonography practice.

Ebony is currently completing her PhD on interdigital grass seed foreign body retrieval in dogs and the use of ultrasonography. She has currently published works on a ultrasound protocol to identify grass seed foreign bodies in the canine distal limb and on the development of simulation models to teach grass seed identification using ultrasound techniques to students (both undergraduate and postgraduate).

She also has special interest in:

  • Common surgery and medicine conditions observed in veterinary practice
  • Community pet welfare and ethics within the veterinary industry