Richard Culas


Associate Professor Richard Culas

BScAgr (Peradeniya), MScAgEcon (NMBU, Norway), MEcon (NHH), PhD (Sydney)

Associate Professor in Agribusiness
Building 1001 Room A68

Dr Richard Culas is an Associate Professor in Agricultural Economics/Agribusiness at the School of Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences. He has nearly twenty years of experience in teaching economics and agribusiness subjects, and the supervision of higher degree research and post-graduate projects for international and Australian students. During his career, Richard has served as an external examiner for PhD theses, an expert reviewer for Qatar National Research Fund and peer-reviewer for more than twenty international journals. He chaired contributed sessions for AARES conferences and served in several committees at Charles Sturt. Richard was a team member of the Strategic Research Area "Improving Rural Livelihoods and Environments in Developing Countries", in the Institute for Land Water and Society, Charles Sturt which has received DVC’s Award for Research Excellence in 2016. He also received an Emerald Literati Award "Outstanding Reviewer", by Emerald Publishing in 2018, for his professional contributions.

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Dr Culas as the subject coordinator contributed to the development and teaching of many subjects over many years at Charles Sturt. He also served as the coordinator of the subject AGR610 Sustainable Agriculture Dissertation for the Master of Sustainable Agriculture course.

Dr Culas contributed to the curriculum development of the new course Master of Agriculture at Charles Sturt, which is offered from 2023 and he also lectures for the new subject.

At Charles Sturt, Richard’s research interests are within agricultural, environmental and development economics and agricultural business management. Richard has worked in funded projects worth about A$7.5m by sources such as ACIAR, Horticultural Innovation Australia, The Crawford Fund and Charles Sturt. Currently, he is contributing to the projects funded by CRC for High Performance Soil (Soil CRC), as the leader for ‘assessing the economic benefits of using organic matters as fertilizers’ and as the coinvestigator for ‘defining social and economic benefits of regenerative Agriculture’.

His research experiences include cross-country analyses, regional and household level case studies from several countries, and the application of econometric methods.

Richard has presented his research in international and national conferences and published in the journals such as Agricultural SystemsAustralian Journal of Agricultural and Resource EconomicsAustralasian Agribusiness ReviewEcological EconomicsInternational Journal of Development IssuesInternational Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics, Heliyon, Irrigation and DrainageIUP Journal of Applied EconomicsJournal of Agriculture and Food Research, Journal of Asian and African StudiesJournal of Developing SocietiesJournal of East-West BusinessLand Use Policy and Sustainability.