Tegan Brown


Tegan Brown

B Nursing/ B of Paramedicine Grad Cert Training and Development M Education and Professional Studies (Research) "2023"

Associate Lecturer in Paramedicine
Building 1448 Room 206

Tegan commenced with CSU in 2022 after working for seven years as a paramedic in Queensland. She completed her Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Paramedicine in 2015 and has post graduate certificates in training and development. She is busy finishing her Master of Education and Professional Studies (Research).

Tegan has been involved in assisting graduate paramedics in Queensland through their internship programs on-road and running clinical skills labs and simulation scenarios for junior staff. She has also assisted with residential intensive schools with university students.

Her current research involves mentoring practices for paramedics. She hopes that the outcome of her thesis will lead her into a PhD, in which she can develop a formal mentoring and training program that can be implemented into ambulance services nationwide.

She also has a passion for seeking to research and understand the challenges that paramedics face with PTSD and c-PTSD. She hopes that more awareness about the trauma that paramedics see daily, will lead to more support programs available for emergency services staff.