Sharon Laver


Dr Sharon Laver

RN, RM, GradDipAdEd, GradDipHlthMgt, MA, PhD Candidate

Senior Lecturer in Nursing
Building 1293 Room 9

Sharon is a Registered Nurse with extensive experience in community based nursing, health service management and organisational development. Her experience extends from major metropolitan hospitals to rural and small remote Australian health services and has included major state level project work. Sharon’s PhD thesis focused on professional becoming among newly graduated nurses in regional Australia.
Sharon’s research interests include transition to professional practice, rural nursing workforce preparation, development and retention, and capacity building.

  • Primary Health Care
  • Aged Care
  • Community Health
  • Rural and Remote nursing
Career Highlights
  • Completion of the Aggression Prevention and Management in Health Services Project (Victoria) as a collaborative project between Northeast Wangaratta and the Royal Melbourne Hospital, culminating in a WorkSafe Victoria Publication.