B.N., RN., M.N.(C&FH) Sarah has worked in a variety of nursing settings across her nursing career, including general medical/surgical, close observation, emergency, mental health, and community settings. Sarah specialises in child and family health and takes a particular interest in child protection, perinatal and infant mental health, supporting breastfeeding, immunisation, and nursing research. Before joining academia, Sarah worked as a child and family health clinical nurse specialist in rural NSW. Sarah also served as an ordinary member of the NSW Child & Family Health Nurses’ Association in 2017 and was involved in several projects, including planning the annual conference and promoting the specialty of child and family health nursing. Sarah has recently begun a higher degree research project looking at education provided to undergraduate registered nurses to prepare them for recognising and responding to child maltreatment in their future practice. Sarah currently teaches into various subjects offered in the Bachelor of Nursing. Sarah has also been involved in writing and developing subjects for the new B.N. curriculum. Sarah is currently undertaking a qualitative HDR project investigating whether undergraduate registered nurses are adequately prepared to recognise and respond to risk of significant harm to children and young persons in practice.Nursing
Sarah Stenson