Lindsay Smith


Dr Lindsay Smith

RN BHlthSci MNS GradCertUniL&T PhD

Senior Lecturer in Nursing

Dr Lindsay Smith is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing, Paramedicine, & Health Sciences at Charles Sturt University NSW. Teaching & research area of expertise are child, adolescent and family health, & Strength-Based Family Nursing. An early Registered Nurse career focused on supporting children and families across the lifespan in the community and in healthcare facilities. His recent career has successfully translated evidence-based research findings to healthcare practice and policy through translational research, policy engagement, and international collaboration. For example, the evaluation of a School Health Nursing innovation in the Northwest of Tasmania (Taylor & Smith 2015) gave rise to the Tasmania State government implementing the state-wide School Health Nursing Program. Translation of his scholarship and research to clinical practice is recommended in the Queensland Health, 2020, Child & Youth Health Practice Manual (2nd edition). This manual endorses the inclusion in healthcare the Australian Family Strengths Nursing Assessment (AFSNA) conversation guide to help strengthen family engagement through drawing forth and valuing family strengths. AFSNA has now been translated to clinical practice and teaching across Australia and internationally, for example in Switzerland and Uganda.

Passionately serving the community & nursing profession engaged in shared participation has resulted in significant impact with over $500 000 directly managed community funding during the past 5 years (2019-2023).

Significant appointments:

- Tasmania Premiers Community Consultative Group for Child & Youth Wellbeing Strategy in collaboration with Dr Rebecca Goodhue, General Manager, Capacity Building, Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth February 2021.

- Human Research Ethics Committee Tasmania Network Member 2015 & Deputy Chair Human Research Ethics Committee Tasmania Network University of Tasmania 2020—2023

- Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Primary Health Care Research Grant Assessor 2020-21

- International Family Nursing Association (IFNA) Founding member 2010 and elected Director 2019-2025

- University of Tasmania Academic Council Higher Degrees Research Appeals Committee 2018—2019

- Australian Conference on Neurodevelopmental Disorders Founding Committee member 2017

- Cross Sectoral Consultative Committee (Strong Families Safe Kids), Communities Tasmania 2016

- Ministry of Education Denmark inaugural international external examiner appointed for the Bachelor of Nursing, University of Lillebælt, 2014—2020

- Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth Inaugural State Convenor—Tasmania, 2013—2019





With over 30 year’s experience, Lindsay has achieved an academic career that has excelled in developing collaborative, student-focused environments that facilitate research and learning outcomes receiving numerous teaching awards – including Vice-Chancellor's citation for outstanding contribution to student learning. His university teaching methodology has achieved international impact through invitations to teach in Ireland, New Zealand, Denmark, and Sweden, and my teaching resources are implemented globally, including Australia wide, New Zealand, USA and Europe. You can hear about this in a recent invited presenter on this teaching approach in Strengths-Based Nursing & Healthcare at the Canadian Academy of Nursing Global Check-Up with Professor Laurie Gottlieb, Ingram School of Nursing at McGill University, Montreal Canada, 14th July 2021.

Doctor of Philosophy (Social Sciences) awarded in 2011 through the Quality of Life and Social Justice Research Centre, Australian Catholic University explored adolescent resilience and spiritual wellbeing, and reported in a high impact publication ( Passionate to understand how the bioecological theory of human development can be applied in research & health promotion to optimise child, youth and family wellbeing through family nursing and family engagement embracing a family strengths perspective. Lindsay successfully applies the bioecological model to Family/Strengths-based Nursing, child wellbeing, family health, spiritual wellbeing, disaster preparedness, and university teaching.

Excellent research management ability outcomes include supervision of HDR candidates to completion across health disciplines including nursing, paramedicine, and health sciences and collaboration with organisations in designing and implementing healthcare service practice development and service evaluation.

Research theme: Strengths Based Nursing, Healthcare & Leadershipfamily strengths focus

Theoretical strength: The Bioecological Model of Human Development (Urie Bronfenbrenner)

Methodological strengths: Case Study; Mixed Methods Research, Data Integration

Translational focus: Family engagement in nursing and healthcare

Policy Engagement & Practice Development focus: Child & Family wellbeing