Jennifer Tauaalo


Ms Jennifer Tauaalo

BN, Cert IV Training & Assessment

Lecturer in Nursing
Building 1293 Room 28

Jenny has been a Registered Nurse, Nurse Educator & Clinical Facilitator with 30 years clinical experience. Is still actively employed clinically, providing invaluable currency to her role. Her experience includes Public, Private & Aged Care organisations in the areas of High Dependency Neurology, Medical, Pre-admissions, Surgical, Palliative & Aged Care Nursing. Jenny is a dedicated nurse who is committed to the safe, high-quality, holistic, person-centred care of each patient & ongoing professional development of self & others.

Jenny is a passionate & supportive Nursing Lecturer with 16 years teaching experience across all 3 years of the Bachelor of Nursing curriculum. She has recently joined the teaching team from sessional to permanent. Jenny feels proud to assist New Graduate Nurses transition to professional practice.

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - AHPRA

Australian College of Nursing - ACN

NSW Nurses & Midwives Association - NSWNMA