Registered Nurse, Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health Nursing (Tresillian Center), Master of Nursing (Palliative care) (University of New England), Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching (University of Newcastle), PhD (University of Newcastle) Pauline is an experienced Registered Nurse with over 30 years of clinical experience in many areas of nursing practice including acute care, surgical and medical, midwifery, early childhood, and most recently as a palliative care Clinical Nurse Specialist and Clinical Nurse Consultant. Her nursing experience encompasses a range of clinical environments including large metropolitan hospitals, small and large rural referral hospitals as well as many community health settings. Pauline has extensive experience as a nursing educator and has been a nursing academic for over 15 years. She has strong theoretical and practical knowledge and experience and is an expert in the use of simulation in teaching and has taught and coordinated at a number of universities including Queensland University of Technology, University of New England and the University of Newcastle. As a senior lecturer at CSU, Pauline is passionate, dedicated and committed to quality teaching and learning experiences for students. Pauline is an experienced lecturer who has taught into many undergraduate and post graduate nursing courses. She is also an experienced unit coordinator and has coordinated many units of study including, health assessment, palliative care, pain management, cultural competence, nursing in rural and remote environments, foundations of nursing practice, community health practice, aged care, cancer nursing, and theory of practice. Pauline also has developed and implemented many simulation activities as part of her teaching practice. Clinical focus of simulations include, palliative and end-of-life care, cultural safety, ward for a day, emergency management of an acute care scenario, interprofessional simulation and most recently managing a deteriorating patient. Her expertise in the area of palliative care and end-of-life care simulation, is recognised through her PhD research, journal publications in high level peer reviewed journals and professional conference presentations at international and national levels. Pauline’s research interests are in palliative care, end-of-life care, aged care and interprofessional simulation. Her doctoral research project, completed in 2019, “The experience of undergraduate nursing students with end-of-life care and end-of-life care simulation”, has led to several high impact journal publications. Currently Pauline is one of several team members completing a funded research project focussing on improving students experiences and knowledge development through simulation, using a novel simulation approach to assist with the improvement of recognition and response to the deteriorating patient in clinical practice. Pauline is also the lead researcher on a research project that evaluates the implementation of palliative care and end-of-life care simulation into an elective unit of study in an undergraduate nursing program. In the future Pauline plans to explore research focusing on the prevention and management of compromised skin integrity at the end-of-life in residential aged care.Nursing
Dr Pauline Gillan