Amanda Moses


Amanda Moses

RN, BN, GradCertOncNurs, MN(NP)

Lecturer in Nursing
Wagga Wagga
Building 002 Room 310

Amanda has over 30 years nursing experience, covering a broad area of metropolitan, rural and remote locations, and many diverse settings, including ICU, coronary care, paediatrics, surgical and acute medical. A specific interest in primary and community health has led to a focus on this field, and included oncological nursing. A passion for improving the quality of life for persons with chronic and complex conditions resulted in following the path to become an endorsed Nurse Practitioner, with a scope of practice of chronic disease management.

Amanda has taught chronic disease management and rehabilitation nursing previously at University of Wollongong, and facilitated the delivery of aged care training through Regional Training Organisations.

Her interests included primary health care and chronic disease management, as well as communication within the health professions, and fundamental nursing practice.

Member of the Australian College of Nursing and the Australian College of Nurse Practitioners