Michelle Mitchell


Michelle Mitchell

Bachelor Nursing, Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery, Masters of Midwifery

Lecturer in Midwifery

Michelle is a Lecturer in Midwifery with over 16 years of experience working as a Registered Midwife in different models of care across the continuum of pregnancy, labour and birth and the postnatal period. Supporting midwives and students in the clinical setting, Michelle has worked in education and consultancy roles and facilitated education in a range of training workshops such as Perinatal Safety Education, Newborn Advanced Life Support, Domestic Violence Routine Screening, Graduate Education Training, and Improving Perinatal Mortality Review Outcomes through Education (IMPROVE). With an interest in global maternal health, Michelle has partnered with a healthcare team in Papua New Guinea (PNG) delivering primary health care in the Western Province and she has also partnered with midwives in PNG as part of the Australian College of Midwives Leadership Buddy Program. Michelle has a passion for midwifery education and views it as an opportunity to support others to flourish as confident, lifelong learners who are skilled and equipped to provide excellence in holistic clinical care that is safe, evidence based, compassionate and individualised.

Michelle has an interest in all areas of midwifery with a particular interest in birth trauma, global maternal health, First Nations health and building a resilient and responsive midwifery workforce.

Australian College of Midwives