BN, Grad Dip Mid, M Clinical Mid Melissa has over 13 years’ experience as a Registered Nurse and Midwife. Completing a Bachelor of Nursing at Charles Sturt University in 2008 and a Postgraduate Diploma of Midwifery with Charles Sturt University in 2011. Melissa has gained extensive experience working in both metropolitan, rural and remote facilities and through volunteering internationally. Melissa completed her Masters in Clinical Midwifery in 2017 through the University of Tasmania, subsequently gaining a position as a Clinical Midwifery Specialist. As Clinical Midwife Specialist Melissa worked as a part of the Aboriginal Maternal Infant Health Service team and was the project lead for the Bathurst Midwifery Group Practice. Prior to her appointment with CSU Melissa found a passion for academia through working with Western Sydney University for simulation experience days for Nurses, Midwives, Paramedicine, Medical, Radiology and Physiotherapy students. Melissa looks forward to lecturing at CSU and hopes to encourage and empower the next generation of nurses and midwives.Midwifery
Melissa Woodhouse