Kim Oliver

Health Management & Leadership

Dr Kim Oliver

BSc Hons (2:1) Adult Nursing. M.Sc. in Occupational Health and Safety. PhD Philosophy 2017 from the School of Medical and Health Sciences ECU

Lecturer in Healthcare Sciences
off campus

Kim has a wide range of clinical experiences following graduation from Coventry University with a BSc Hons (2:1). Practicing clinically in a theatre environment as a scrub nurse for both general and emergency surgeries. Following this Kim practiced within a general ICU, as well as a cardio thoracic ICU, before moving to Perth WA, and working in Royal Perth Hospital ICU. Kim worked in an off-shore capacity as a nurse and WHAS Manager for a large oil and gas producer, whilst obtaining a M.Sc. in Occupational Health and Safety from Edith Cowan University (ECU), and moved into academia and obtained her PhD in 2017 from the School of Medical and Health Sciences ECU, which focused on stress within nursing, utilising hair cortisol levels and a written questionnaire. Kim’s research portfolio focuses on workforce issues and Kim has had numerous publications in this field, and holds a history of PhD and Masters supervision.

Kim’s teaching experience including teaching within the Higher Educational setting as a senior lecturer and also National Program Coordinator for a nursing program. Also, as Associate Dean Nursing within the Vocational Educational setting whilst developing a nursing curriculum and program.

Kim has an interest in workforce issues, stress, hair cortisol, occupational health and safety, risk management, nurse transitioning

Kim is currently President of Psi Alpha at Large – Sigma Theta Tau, which is an international nursing and midwifery leadership society, as well as being a member of the following organisations:

  • RABQSA Registered - Lead Auditor in OHS Management Systems
  • Department of Health WA – Registered Noise Officer
  • Department of Health WA – Immunisation Nurse